Conférence diversité & inclusion - Identity & Intersectionality - Tash Koster-Thomas

Identity & Intersectionality

Conférence DI - Tash Thomas

Tash Koster-Thomas

Tash (she/her) is an Inclusion and Diversity Consultant, presenter, speaker and LGBTQ+ Activist, who is at the forefront of conversation.


Our identity is made up of several dimensions of diversity including gender, race, sexual orientation, class, disability and many more. However, in the process of seeking equality, we are often viewed as our individual identities, without consideration for how multiple identities can intersect. This workshop explores identity and the definition of intersectionality and how it impacts us.

Also focusing on allyship and how to challenge non inclusive behaviours, creating space for conversation and evolving discussions, empowering individuals to actively practice inclusion every day.

About Tash Koster-Thomas

Tash uses her lived experience and intersectional identity as a Black queer woman to continue the focus on diversity and inclusion in society and in the workplace. She provides valuable insight into how to remove barriers associated with diversity and constructively ensure that opportunities can be accessed with equity in both the workplace and wider in our local and global communities.

Tash is a seasoned and experienced speaker and panel member on equality and diversity discussions and has spoken at events for organisations including the Women’s Equality Party UK, International IDEA Project, Mercedes Formula 1 and Skyscanner. As well as being a Queer Leader for the non-profit, We Create Space.



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